In advance of registration, ensure all child members, including those 6 and under, are set up on your ShopTD online profile as members.

  • Watch our short how-to video to learn how to verify whether children in your account are set up as members or non-members.
  • You can view all individuals on your account by logging in to and clicking “My Account.” Don’t wait to add a member to your account on registration day; you may be unable to purchase the program you desire.
  • If you have never logged into ShopTD, contact Member Services


  • ShopTD works best in Google Chrome.
  • Anticipate longer-than-normal online wait times.
    • You may be placed in our ShopTD virtual waiting room during high-traffic periods. All members who enter the waiting room before the on-sale time, whether it is five minutes beforehand or two hours beforehand, will be equally randomized to enter the store once the products go live. Joining the waitlist early does not increase the odds of entering the site first.
  • Your online cart expires after 15 minutes. Be sure to check out within 15 minutes of adding items to your cart.
    • Preplan the programs you wish to purchase; once the programs are added to your cart, they are reserved for you for up to 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, those items may be allocated to other members, and you may receive an error at checkout.
  • Age requirements are strictly enforced.
    • Please take careful note of the age level requirements for each camp program and make sure that your child is eligible to attend that program. The age requirements are established for the safety and well-being of your child and others.
    • Age requirements are enforced as of the first day of the session in which your child is registered. If a child is found to be registered for a program that he/she is not eligible for, his/her registration will be canceled, and no refund will be given. There will be no exceptions with children’s ages for camp.
    • All children must be potty-trained to attend any camp. Children in pull-ups will not be allowed to attend camp. Children attending High Mountain Kids Camp must be at least 3 years old on the first day of the session they are attending.
    • Please only sign up your child for a maximum of four weeks so other children can attend our camps.
  • Due to the high demand and limited supply, Tahoe Donner strictly enforces its cancellation policies for summer camps and recreational programs. Before registering, please review each camp or program’s cancellation policies and plan accordingly.


    1. Sign into your existing account at
    2. Contact Member Services at to add additional Tahoe Donner members to your online profile, including those ages 6 and under.
      • Children ages 7 and up may be subject to member fees.
      • Guests of members can be added to your account online under “My Account.” Guests will need a transferrable guest card ID number.
    3. Select the programs you would like to purchase, then complete the check-out process within 15 minutes.
    4. Electronically sign the necessary waiver forms you receive during the check-out process.
    5. For questions or more information, contact Member Services at (530) 587-9400, ext. 0.