Timeline Overview

A third-party consultant, Design Workshop, has been working with members, committees and staff on the Trails and Open Space Master Plan Update. They will continue throughout the project to identify and plan for areas of opportunity that will meet the needs of Tahoe Donner’s ever-changing membership, recreation and landscape needs. 

October 2021

Request for Proposal (RFP) for Trail Master Plan (TMP) revision release
RFP response review by staff and Trails + Open Space (TOS) Committee chairs

November 2021

Consultant contract awarded to Design Workshop (DW)
Consultant introduction at TOS Committee meeting

December 2021

DW researches association, trail files, recent member survey results, etc.
Preliminary online survey launch; closing date January 28
Through mid-January: Hiking, Mountain Bike and Equestrian clubs/user groups opportunity to meet with DW and TD staff

January 2022

January 5 TOS Committee meeting
DW and TD staff develop focus areas of analysis based on member, club, TOS meetings and survey results; focus areas will identify areas of opportunity/concern and alternative development
TD manager input and DW to discuss overlap of TMP and land management activities with amenities such as ski areas, youth camps, food and beverage outlets, golf course, etc.
External partner opportunity for TD staff and DW consultants to meet with external neighbors, partners and stakeholders; discuss opportunities for collaboration areas of concern and how updated TMP ties into town, county, United States Forest Service (USFS) and Truckee Donner Land Trust (TDLT) trail plans
January 28 regular board meeting to share TMP progress to board and members

February 2022

February 1 Equestrian Club meeting
February 2 trail planning webinar – view meeting recording here and presentation here
February 2 TOS Committee meeting
February 10 Hiking Club meeting
February 15 Mountain Biking Club meeting
February 25 regular board meeting to share TMP progress to board and members

March 2022

TOS Committee meeting
Focus area alternatives are developed
DW to conduct second online survey
March 25 regular board meeting to share TMP progress to board and members
Through April: Alternatives offered for membership input

April 2022

April 21 regular board meeting to share TMP progress to board and members
Through May: Alternatives narrowed into draft plan

May 2022

DW to conduct webinar following second survey close
Revise TMP draft based on feedback

June 2022

Share TMP draft to membership for feedback

Summer 2022

Regular board meeting to present TMP to board for adoption

October 2022

Share draft plan for member review

November 2022

Nov. 2 special board meeting

December 2022

2022 TOS Master Plan adopted by board at Dec. 16 regular board meeting

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