As you read the history of our awards, think of the significant impact we can make together as we journey toward our ultimate goal of $500,000 in annual giving! Please join in helping the Giving Fund reach this goal?
2022 Scholarship and Grant Awards
SCHOLARSHIPS June 2022 Traditional Graduating Senior $4,500 North Tahoe High to Sierra College→California State University Graduating Senior $4,500 Truckee High to California State University, Sacramento Graduating Senior $4,500 North Tahoe High to Sierra College Graduating Senior $2,000 Truckee High to California State University, Monterey Bay Graduating Senior $2,000 North Tahoe High to Bowdoin University Graduating Senior $2,000 Truckee High to University of Utah Continuing Recipient $4,000 2021 North Tahoe High at Sierra College Continuing Recipient $4,000 2021 Truckee High grad at Santa Barbara City College Continuing Recipient $1,500 2021 Truckee High at Sierra College Continuing Recipient $4,000 2021 Truckee High grad at Santa Barbara City College→University of Oregon IMPACT These four scholarships last up to five-year (total up to $50,000 each) and are funded by a seasonal Tahoe Donner resident who wishes to remain anonymous. Graduating Senior $10,000 North Tahoe High to California State University, Los Angeles Graduating Senior $10,000 North Tahoe High to University of Portland Graduating Senior $10,000 Truckee High to Sierra College→University of California Graduating Senior $10,000 North Tahoe High to Sierra College→University of California Four 2019, four 2020 and four 2021 graduates now in their second, third and fourth years (See 2019-2021 below) $120,000 $10,000 each 2022 Total $193,000 -
2021 Scholarship and Grant Awards
SCHOLARSHIPS June 2021 Traditional> Graduating Senior $4,000 Truckee High to Oregon State Graduating Senior $4,000 Truckee High to Santa Barbara City College then a UC Graduating Senior $4,000 Truckee High to Santa Barbara City College then a CSU Graduating Senior $4,000 over 2 years North Tahoe High to Sierra College, then a CSU or UC Graduating Senior $1,500 Truckee High to Sierra College, then a CSU Continuing Recipient $3,000 2018 North Tahoe High grad in her final year at CSU Sacramento. Continuing Recipient $1,500 2019 Truckee High grad finishing at Lake Tahoe CC. Continuing Recipient 1,500 2020 North Tahoe High grad at Lake Tahoe CC Continuing Recipient $3,000 2020 North Tahoe High grad at UC Davis Continuing Recipient $3,000 2020 North Tahoe High grad at UC Riverside IMPACT These 4 up to five-year scholarships (total up to $50,000 each) are funded by a seasonal Tahoe Donner resident who wishes to remain anonymous. Graduating Senior $10,000 North Tahoe High to Dominican University Graduating Senior $10,000 Truckee High to UC Riverside Graduating Senior $5,000 North Tahoe High to CSU Sacramento Graduating Senior $10,000 North Tahoe High to Cuesta College, then UC Santa Cruz Graduating Senior $5,000 Truckee High to UNR Four 2019 and four 2020 graduates now in their third and second year (See 2019 and 2020 below.) $80,000 $10,000 each GRANTS November 2021 Aim High for High School $5,000 Arts for the Schools $10,000 Boys and Girls Club $5,000 Tahoe Food Hub $5,000 Give Back Tahoe $5,000 Tahoe Food Hub $5,000 Truckee Donner Land Trust %5,000 Truckee Trails Foundation $2,500 2021 Total $197,000 -
2020 Scholarship and Grant Awards
SCHOLARSHIPS June 2020 Traditional Graduating Senior $1,500 North Tahoe High to Orange Coast CC Graduating Senior $1,500 North Tahoe High to Truckee Meadows CC Graduating Senior $3,000 North Tahoe High to UC Davis Graduating Senior $3,000 North Truckee High to UC Riverside Continuing Recipient $1,500 2019 Truckee High grad continuing at Santa Barbara CC Continuing Recipient $1,000 2016 Sierra High grad finishing her last semester at UNR Continuing Recipient $1,500 2019 Forest Charter grad transferring to Univ. of Central Florida Continuing Recipient $2,500 2018 North Tahoe High grad continuing at CSU-Sacramento Continuing Recipient $1,500 2019 Sierra High grad transferring to Santa Barbara CC Continuing Recipient $1,500 2019 North Tahoe High grad continuing at CSU-San Diego Continuing Recipient $1,500 2019 North Tahoe High grad continuing at UNR IMPACT The IMPACT scholarships are up to $50,000 for up to 5 years funded solely by one donor. Graduating Senior $10,000 Truckee High grad to UC Merced Graduating Senior $10,000 Truckee High grad to UC Riverside Graduating Senior $10,000 Truckee High grad to UC Irvine Graduating Senior $10,000 North Tahoe High grad to UC Santa Cruz Four 2019 graduates now
in their second year
(see 2019 below.)$40,000 $10,000 each. GRANTS November 2020 Aim High for High School $5,000 Arts for the Schools $5,000 Boys and Girls Club $2,500 Emergency Warming Center $5,000 Give Back Tahoe $5,000 Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe $4,000 Sierra Senior Services $5,000 Tahoe-Pyramid Trail $3,550 Tahoe Food Hub $5,200 Truckee Donner Land Trust $5,000 2020 Total $143,750 -
2019 Scholarship and Grant Awards
SCHOLARSHIPS June 2019 Traditional Graduating Senior $2,000 Truckee High to Santa Barbara Community College Graduating Senior $3,000 Forest Charter to Dominican University Graduating Senior $2,500 Sierra High to UNR Graduating Senior $3,000 North Tahoe High to CSU San Diego Graduating Senior $2,500 North Tahoe High to UNR Graduating Senior $1,500 Truckee High to Sierra College Continuing Recipient $1,500 2016 Sierra High grad now in her final year at UNR Continuing Recipient $4,000 2018 North Lake Tahoe HS grad continuing at CSU Sacramento Continuing Recipient $1,500 2018 Truckee HS grad continuing at Lake Tahoe CC Continuing Recipient $1,750 2018 Truckee HS grad continuing at UNR Continuing Recipient $1,750 2018 Truckee HS grad continuing at CSU Sonoma Continuing Recipient $!,500 2018 Truckee HS grad continuing at UC Berkeley IMPACT These 4 up to five-year scholarships (total up to $50,000 each) are funded by a seasonal Tahoe Donner resident who wishes to remain anonymous. Graduating Senior $10,000 North Tahoe High grad to CSU Chico Graduating Senior $10,000 Truckee High grad to UNR Graduating Senior $10,000 Truckee High grad to CSU Stanislaus Graduating Senior $10,000 North Tahoe High grad to Butte Community College and then CSU Chico GRANTS November 2019 Achieve Tahoe $5,000 Aim High for High School $5,000 Art for the Schools $5,000 Choices Transitional Services $5,000 Emergency Warming Center $5,000 Give Back Tahoe $5,000 Positively Rolling $5,000 Truckee Arts Alliance $5,000 Truckee Donner Land Trust $5,000 TYruckee River Watershed Council $5,000 2019 Total $116,500 -
2018 Scholarship and Grant Awards
SCHOLARSHIPS June 2018 Graduating Senior $1,000 Sierra High to Truckee Meadows Community College Graduating Senior $1,000 Truckee High to Sierra College Graduating Senior $1,750 Truckee High to UNR Graduating Senior $1,750 Truckee High to UNR Graduating Senior $1,500 Truckee High to Butte College Graduating Senior $2,000 North Tahoe High to CSU Sacramento Graduating Senior $2,000 Truckee High to CSU Sonoma Graduating Senior $2,000 Truckee High to UC Berkeley Continuing Recipient $4,000 2015 Truckee High grad in her final year at UNR Continuing Recipient $2,000 2016 Forest Charter grad continuing at Butte College Continuing Recipient $2,000 2016 Sierra High grad matriculating from Sierra College to UNR GRANTS November 2018 Choices Transitional Services $5,000 Family Resource Center of Truckee $5,000 Give Back Tahoe $5,000 High Fives Foundation $3,000 KidZone Museum $5,000 Sierra Watershed Education Partnerships $2,000 Slow Food Lake Tahoe $3,000 Tahoe Institute for Natural Science $2,500 Tahoe-Pyramid Trail $1,000 Truckee Donner Land Trust $3,500 Truckee Donner Railroad Society $5,000 2018 TOTAL $60,500 -
2017 Scholarship and Grant Awards
SCHOLARSHIPS June 2017 Graduating Senior $2,000 Sierra High grad to Sierra College Graduating Senior $2,000 Truckee High grad to Sierra College Continuing Recipient $1,000 2016 Sierra High grad continuing at Sierra College Continuing Recipient $1,000 2016 Forest Charter grad continuing at Butte College Continuing Recipient $1,000 2015 Truckee High grad continuing at Sierra College GRANTS November 2017 Aim High for High School $4,000 Choices Transitional Services $2,500 Church of the Mountains $2,500 North Tahoe Arts $2,000 Sugar Pine Foundation $2,500 Sierra Senior Services $2,500 Truckee Community Theater $5,000 Truckee Trails Foundation $3,000 2017 TOTALS $31,000 -
2016 Scholarship and Grant Awards
SCHOLARSHIPS June 2016 Graduating Senior $2,000 Forest Charter grad to Butte College Graduating Senior $2,000 Sierra High grad to Sierra College GRANTS November 2016 Tahoe Food Hub $2,464 Youth educational programs Boys and Girls Club of North Tahoe $2,749 Youth support programs Project MANA $887 Food services of at-risk families Sierra Watershed Education Partnership $5,000 Science education for students Arts for the Schools $1,500 Performing arts workshops in area schools Biking for a Better World $1,500 Completion of Truckee Bike Park Community Recovery Resources $1,500 At-risk youth programs Headwaters Science Institute $1,500 Science programs for area youth North Tahoe Arts $1,500 Visual arts programs for youth and adults Sierra Senior Services $1,500 Wellness and safety checks on seniors 2016 TOTALS $24,020 -
2015 Scholarship and Grant Awards
SCHOLARSHIP June 2015 Graduating Senior $1,000 Truckee High grad to UNR GRANTS November 2015 Boys and Girls Club of North Tahoe $2,500 Support for the Truckee center SOS Outreach $3,000 Mentor training for at risk youth Tahoe Food Hub $2,500 Project MANA Food Gleaning Program Truckee Community Theater $2,000 Stage equipment for performances Arts for the Schools $1,090 New sound board for performances 2015 TOTALS $12,090
Updated: 3-2-22