Frequently Asked Questions
Why did Tahoe Donner update the 2013 Trails and Open Space Master Plan?
The previous Trails and Open Space Master Plan was approved in 2013 and served as Tahoe Donner’s first iteration of a plan for managing the trail system. It was recommended that the plan be revised after five years. Since that time, the membership has grown, association property has expanded and recreational trends have evolved beyond the scope of our original plan. The onset of COVID-19 put the update on hold until 2022.
Who is responsible for Trails Master Plan Revisions?
All members were welcome to participate in the process. In October 2021, Tahoe Donner retained the services of Design Workshop (DW) to lead the drafting of the new plan. DW worked with Tahoe Donner staff and the Trails and Open Space Committee to seek out clubs and individual member input through several online meetings and surveys. Consultants and staff also engaged key external partners and stakeholders to ensure a cohesive link between the Truckee Donner Land Trust, USFS, Nevada County and the Town of Truckee.
Why was the public being considered in the planning process?
Tahoe Donner is a 501(c)(4) corporation that must legally provide access and easements to the greater community. Given the desire for trail connectivity to areas outside of Tahoe Donner, planning efforts incorporated the greater vision for our regional trails, including USFS and Truckee Donner Land Trust properties.
What was being considered in the Trails Master Plan Update?
Though the process of revising the Trails Master Plan will be ever-evolving, some key areas were evaluated and addressed. Areas of focus included:
- Safety
- Sustainability
- Trail connectivity
- Accessible trails
- Trail etiquette
- Trail design
- Signage and wayfinding
- Multi-use evaluation of improved user experience
- Trailhead access
- Winter trail use
- Management and staffing
- Stewardship opportunities
- Land acquisition
- Funding
- Events
How did the planning process work?
Survey results and feedback from scheduled planning meetings started the ideation process, and the general ideas gathered were be compiled into focus areas. Focus area topics were discussed at scheduled meetings and analyzed for potential social and environmental opportunities and challenges. Alternatives were developed out of the analysis and presented back to the membership for further feedback. Draft plan recommendations were based on the alternatives and membership input. These recommendations were presented to the board for adoption.
What happens now that the plan is finished?
Many minor projects like updating signage may occur quickly; other projects like long-distance, new trail construction will go through a formal environmental planning and approval process as well as Tahoe Donner’s budget evaluation and prioritization.
Where can I find more information?
The 2013 Trail and Open Space Master Plan, associated land management documents and ongoing details can be found here.
How do I get involved or provide feedback?
Stay connected by visiting the feedback page and providing additional input at