Member Letters

We want to hear from you. Whether constructive criticism or a positive accolade, this is a place for your voice to be heard. Your letters will be published on a weekly basis, sometimes with a response from the board. Please be professional and respectful, and review the submission guidelines below prior to submitting your feedback. All letters meeting the eligibility requirements will be posted on the Member Portal within the Documents section (scroll down for more info). Submissions which do not adhere to the below guidelines will be disregarded and will not be posted to the website.

Submission Guidelines

  • Critical feedback is ok; personal attacks on members, board and staff are not. All comments should be professional and respectful.
  • No defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening or offensive language is permitted.
  • Avoid the overuse of capitalization and punctuation such as excessive exclamation points and question marks.
  • Do not exceed 250 words.
  • Provide ideas for improvements, when applicable.
  • Give specific examples, when applicable.
  • Matters of litigation will not be published online.
  • Letters with requests for name to be withheld will not be published online.
  • Submitting member must be in good standing.

Please include your name, primary city of residence, unit/lot numbers, and telephone number; only your name and hometown will be included in the posted version.

If you have a specific question that you would like answered please email

Please note: Member Letters are now archived in the Member Portal. All previous submissions can be seen within the Documents section under Member Letters. Previous Member Letters will only be viewable in the Member Portal beginning December 15, 2021.

Once logged into the portal, click on “Documents”, then “All Documents”, then “Member Letters.” From there, click the folder for the year you are looking for. You can also enter a search term into the “Search” bar to find topics of interest.  Click here to log into the member portal.

Graphic showing how to view member letters