Februburied Photo Contest. Over 22 Feet of Snow!

Februburied Photo Contest. Over 22 Feet of Snow!

Association News

On average, Tahoe Donner receives 350 inches of snow each year. This February, we received 274 inches (over 22 feet!) giving us a season total of 453 inches as of March 11. Our employees captured some impressive snowy moments and submitted their photos for a recent “Februburied” photo contest. Congratulations to Alan Sanetra for winning first place, and for your hard work digging out the ski resort!

Wining Photo: Alan Sanetral | Tahoe Donner Downhill Ski Resort 

Photo: Tracy Pearson | Tahoe Donner Association 

Photo: Patty Chin | Tahoe Donner Association 

Photo: Cari MacPhail | Tahoe Donner Downhill Ski Resort 

Photo: Carolyn Atwood | Tahoe Donner Cross Country Ski Center 

Photo: Sheryl Walker | Tahoe Donner Association 

Photo: Donatas Ereminas | Truckee River 

Photo: Victoria Carrasco Roehrs | Tahoe Donner Downhill Ski Resort