Board of Directors Meeting: January 22, 2021
Association News, Member News1. Call to Order/Call for Quorum, Don Koenes, Board President
4. Committee / Task Force Reports
5. Discussion: Downhill Ski Lodge Project, PROs Consulting, Jon Mitchell, Director of Capital Projects and Jim Beckmeyer, Lodge Task Force Committee Chair
7. Break
6. Action: Strategic Plan Adoption, David Mickaelian, General Manager
8. Action: 2021 Elections Timeline and Procedures, Bette Rohrback, Elections Committee Chair
9. Discussion: General Manager Update
11. Discussion: Financial Update, Tom O’Neil, Controller and David Mickaelian, General Manager
14. Appeal Hearing, Homeowner, Board of Directors and Staff
12. Discussion: 1997-5 Resolution Procedures for Member Appeals from Covenants and Architectural Standards Committee Decisions, Annie Rosenfeld, Director of Risk Management and Real Property
13. Action: Authorization to Record Lien on Properties with Delinquent Assessments, Annie Rosenfeld, Director of Risk Management and Real Property
15. Executive Session (Closed to members)
17. Adjournment – Not Recorded