tahoe donner giving fund logo

You may already know the many great reasons to donate to the Giving Fund. You see them in every issue of Tahoe Donner News: stories about scholarships to deserving local students for life-changing educational opportunities and grants to local nonprofits that help so many in our community.

This Giving Tuesday, we want to give you another great reason: Every $100 donation to the Tahoe Donner Giving Fund is an entry to win a ride-along in a Tahoe Donner snowcat. Why? To say a tremendous thank you to our donor community.

On Giving Tuesday, November 28, every $100 donation earns one entry to opt-in to the drawing for the Tahoe Donner Snow Cat Ride-Along.

A $100 donation = one entry; $200 = two entries; $300 = three entries, etc. There is no obligation to participate in the snowcat drawing — simply click “no” at the opt-in question when you donate online.

The ride-along is good for one person, 18 years or older. Depending on conditions the ride will last one to two hours.

Let’s give together so everybody wins!

Elements Mtn Co Logo

Founding Partner

We are very grateful to Jaime Waltman Legare of Elements Mountain Co. for her support from the inception of the Giving Fund. As our Founding Partner, Elements donates $1 for each of their snow removal clients, totaling over $4,000 annually, to cover all our operating expenses thus making 100% of your contributions available for grants and scholarships.

Thank you.

Powered by Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation

The Tahoe Donner Giving Fund Committee is chartered by the Tahoe Donner Board of Directors. The Tahoe Donner Giving Fund is an affiliate fund of the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, tax #68-0416404. All contributions are voluntary and are tax-deductible as allowed by law.